Lisa Kovac is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and certified school psychologist in Orlando, FL specializing in the treatment of children with selective mutism. Her treatment approach focuses intervention in the natural setting such as home, community and school to promote speech generalization. Each treatment plan is specifically individualized to address a child’s unique needs and incorporates parent training and school collaboration to develop confidence and generalize communication.

Lisa got involved with the selective mutism population after one of her children was diagnosed with selective mutism in 2007. Frustrated with the lack of resources, knowledge and awareness of selective mutism in the local area, Lisa began researching the disorder and provided successful treatment to her child. Since then, she has become passionate about helping other families and children cope with selective mutism. Through her involvement in the Selective Mutism Association, she hopes to promote early diagnosis and subsequent early evidence-based intervention. She has been an SMA Florida State Coordinator since 2009, and currently serves on the SMA-CAN Board of Directors.

In addition to specializing in the treatment of children with selective mutism, Lisa provides social skills training and ABA treatment to children with autism and other developmental disorders. Previously, she practiced as a school psychologist working with children of all ages with learning disabilities, ADHD, other behavioral disorders in the public school system. She completed psycho-educational evaluations, behavioral assessments and worked in conjunction with parents and teachers to develop individualized interventions to help students become more successful. In addition, she facilitated support groups, performed crisis intervention and trained teachers in behavioral management.

Lisa Kovac, PhD, BCBA
Selective Mutism Therapeutic Center
Orlando, FL